Official tour operator EXPO

EXPO 2017 Astana Excursions

International specialized exhibition EXPO 2017 themed "Future Energy" will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan from June 10 to September 10, 2017. 

It is expected that the exhibition will be visited by over 5 million people from around the world.

"Future Energy" EXPO 2017 aims to explore the strategies, programs and technologies aimed at the development of sustainable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency and reliability. Its purpose is to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and the efficient use of energy resources.

Astana EXPO 2017 is designed to raise awareness and tourist attraction of Kazakhstan in the world, and to show hospitality of our people. The exhibition will also be an additional incentive for economic and infrastructural development of both the capital and the country as a whole. Structures being erected on the site of the EXPO will in the future make it possible to view Kazakhstan and its capital as a major international exhibition, information and presentation platform.

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