г. Алматы, ул.Бухар Жырау 27/5 +7 (727) 390-70-70 tour@complete.kz
Official tour operator EXPO
Kazakhstan Pavilion is located on the 1st floor of the Sphere, with a total area of 5000 m2.
Kazakhstan Pavilion embodies the spirit of Kazakhstan. The national pavilion will turn into a metaphoric journey, which will reveal vision: Future Energy is a human being; thus, the mission of the National Pavilion is the revelation of the potential of the people in Kazakhstan and of the country itself.
Thematic pavilions are the key objects demonstrating the theme of the exhibition, where each of the four pavilions reveals its theme:
The pavilion World of Energy presents energy as a separate phenomenon and reveals possible solutions for a more sustainable energy development in the future with the help of physics, science experiments, etc.
The pavilion Energy for the Future illustrates the concept of energy saving and energy efficiency. A separate exposition is dedicated to the practical aspects of smart cities, presenting the project Smart Astana etc.
The pavilion Energy for All presents the mechanisms of access to energy for the planet's inhabitants, research of energy market globalization etc.
The pavilion “My Future Energy” focuses on personal responsibility for efficient and economical use of energy.
Their functional purpose is disclosure of the Exhibition theme outside the pavilions.
The Public Areas are devoted to the Future Energy concepts and present a series of interludes in the form of exhibitions, workshops, installations and small architectural shapes located outdoors.
Its functional purpose is demonstration of successfully implemented energy methods, projects and technologies.
The Best Practices Area is the symbolic center of the Exhibition, which will show the best technologies, projects and strategies in different areas of sustainable energy: generation, conservation and use of electricity, combating climate change or provision of access to electricity in developing countries.
The Best Practices Area will help to present the technological and intellectual breakthrough in overcoming energy issues of the 21st century defined by the Future Energy Forum.
The Future Energy Forum is one of the central events of EXPO 2017 be held during the whole period of the Exhibition.
It is planned that the Exhibition and the Forum will provide a unique platform for global debates on the Future Energy topic.
It is expected that the debates and conferences of the Forum will be held in the Congress Hall located next to the VIP entrance to the Exhibition. The Forum will promote the involvement of the public.
The theme of Future Energy will be actively discussed during the Forum, which will give rise to new forms of cooperation and participation. The Forum will be attended by international organizations, scientific community and other stakeholders such as NGOs and the private sector.
It is planned that the Forum will become a platform for research projects on the theme and sub-themes of EXPO-2017 at a high scientific level. Future Energy will also boost cooperation and joint efforts of the international community in the field of energy.
Representatives of governments, international organizations, academia, research institutes and other organizations will be able to exchange their views with the representatives of various industries, government bodies and NGOs in order to contribute to addressing the main challenges that EXPO-2017 is facing.
The Forum will be held in a wide format in the form of panel sessions, conferences, symposiums, discussions, thematic round tables and seminars that will help to offer a varied and extensive agenda.
The agenda of the Forum will be dedicated to high priority prospects and modern technologies of the Future Energy, including strategic areas such as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, implementation of energy efficient technologies and ensuring universal access to sustainable energy.
The spirit of the Forum based on the principles of cooperation will contribute to its dynamic and constructive atmosphere.